How Hypnosis Can Change Your Life

By Rekha Shrivastava

The definition of hypnosis is a relaxed state of consciousness and focused attention. Hypnosis can be used to help you gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope better with anxiety, pain and other issues. 

Guided by a trained and certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist, hypnosis helps you bring about positive changes in your behavior, thoughts, memories and emotions, learn more at this Hypnotherapy Newcastle Business Site. It’s important to know that although you’re more open to suggestion during hypnosis, you don’t lose control over your behavior. You typically remain aware of what happens during hypnosis.

Recently, hypnosis has become very popular and even medical practitioners are referring patients to certified hypnosis professionals. 

Post traumatic stress. Hypnosis can help eliminate issues and scars from PTSD. Sessions addressing emotional baggage, negative memory release, tuning into emotions, and flashback relaxation help people get over the trauma, move on, and find inner peace.

Phobias and anxiety. Hypnosis can be an effective method for coping with fears and anxiety. Fear of flying, driving on expressways, public speaking, etc. can be overcome after releasing your specific fears and phobias.

Depression. Techniques including healing white light, release of negative thoughts, positive thinking and happiness visualization empower clients with a positive attitude and reduces depressive symptoms.

Low self-esteem. Hypnosis sessions utilizing empowerment, dial up confidence, and ego strengthening can greatly improve self-esteem—which can help with facing fears, improving relationships, and quitting addiction to food, cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

OCD. Hypnosis can be effective with OCD symptoms. Hair pulling, nail biting, etc., can be treated with appropriate subconscious suggestions. 

Hypnosis also has been used successfully to address pain management, weight loss, and codependency issues. 

Hypnosis is a very effective treatment modality which helps clients learn a variety of tools and anchors to apply whenever they are faced with stress and anxiety-provoking situations. Clients become symptom free and are better able to reach a higher level of functionality in their lives.

Rekha Shrivastava, MS, is a certified hypnotist and certified rehabilitation counselor. She operates Blossom Hypnosis in Rochester. For more information, visit or call 585-281-2988.