Meet Your Practitioner: Singing Wind Sound Therapy

Biofield tuning: A powerful healing technique using sound

An interview with Carol McCoon, LMT, MS Ed.


Q‭: ‬Does the energy around us affect our health‭?‬

It’s been scientifically proven that the energy field around the body plays a critical role in our health. When our energy field is weak and leaking, this may show up as physical ailments. The traumas we carry also influence both the physical and energy bodies.

Q‭: ‬Why is the mind‭, ‬body and spirit connection important to improving one’s health‭?‬

We are multifaceted beings. You cannot separate the soul from the physical body, or the mind from the emotions. If you see the problem as purely physical, then you are missing how every other aspect has brought the client to their state of dis-ease. Emotions influence the mind, body, and soul. Everything is connected.

Q‭: ‬What makes your work different from other massage therapists and energy healers‭?‬

I’ve worked extensively with children, which has deepened my empathy for the traumatic events they experience and my understanding of resilience, the ability to set aside traumas and move forward.

Q‭: ‬How does biofield tuning work‭? ‬

A tuning fork is struck against a hard object and moved through the biofield. The tuning fork’s sound changes when the client’s stuck energy is found. The biofield feels more dense where the client’s energy is in a stuck “holding pattern” instead of being in their physical body.

Specific tones indicate different types of trauma, including loss, fear and pain. Tuning forks of different pitches are used to restore the client’s original, healthy, energetic resonance. When healthy resonance is restored and reintegrated into the physical body, it helps support the body’s natural healing processes to be more effective.(To learn more about research and development of Biofield Tuning, visit

Q‭: ‬How do you prepare for an energy medicine session‭?‬

Energy medicine practices require focusing on being the conduit of Universal Healing Energies on behalf of the client. Prayer is essential, too. This energy is available to all of us.

Q‭: ‬What are your qualifications to provide therapeutic work‭? ‬

I am a licensed massage therapist and have studied a wide variety of therapeutic methods. Each specific therapeutic method can potentially improve health issues. When combined, I am able to address the holistic nature of my clients.

Q‭: ‬Since you’re not a doctor‭, ‬how do you address medical health issues‭?‬‭ ‬

The intake form asks if the client is taking medications and is under a doctor’s care. At each session, I ask about changes to the client’s health. If depression and/or anxiety is indicated, I ask if she/he is working with a professional therapist. I make it clear that my therapeutic work does not replace Western medical care.

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