Why You Should Hire a Personal Trainer

By Shaina Zazzaro


Based on my personal experience with using a personal trainer, I can tell you I would never go back to not having one.

There is just something about trusting someone to keep you accountable that makes all the hard work in the gym just feel more worthwhile.

Personal trainers will:

• Become your mentor — a good trainer will be the one person on your side when every other person you know is wondering why you are so into fitness and health.

• Become your teacher — most of us do not know what to do in the gym without some guidance. A good trainer will be a great expert for you

• Get you into the best shape of your life!

Trust me. I lost 50 pounds. I was stuck in a rut of cardio, cardio, cardio. I tried trainer after trainer and then I discovered one that worked well for me. I still do my cardio, but I do light cardio after my hour-long strength training and that combination has put me into the best shape of my life.

I am stronger, more confident, and feel amazing. Healthy eating (order meal prep and trust me, it will keep you on track) and strength training will put you into the best shape of your life.

If you cannot afford a personal trainer, you can do online classes, find different programs, hire a trainer who can set up a personalized online training course for you, or find trainers like my trainer, Ivan’s Fitness, who do small group training (I love it because I have gained a lot of great friends along the way too!).

Remember, you can’t out-train an unhealthy diet, so always, always eat healthy!

Shaina Zazzaro is a devoted wife and mother of two, blending her roles with a passion for health and wellness. She is the owner of local meal delivery service, Effortlessly Healthy. For more information, visit www.ehmeals.com.