Men’s Use of Personal Care Products Nearly Doubles in 20 Years

On average, men use about 11 care products a day — and that exposes them to some potentially harmful chemicals, study says

Men’s use of personal care products has almost doubled since 2004, exposing them to some potentially harmful chemicals, a new study commissioned by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) finds.

Overall, the average American adult uses 12 personal care products a day that contain as many as 112 chemical ingredients. That’s a change from the previous average of nine products with 126 unique chemical ingredients, according to EWG’s study from 2004.

And the gap between men’s and women’s use of products is shrinking. On average, women use around 13 care products a day, up from 12, the study says. Men, on the other hand, went from six in 2004 to 11 products daily: six products for body care, one for skin care, one cosmetic, two for hair care and one for baby care.

Heavy users abound, too. Ten percent of U.S. adults use more than 25 products every day, including cosmetics, shampoos, moisturizers, deodorants, soaps and more, the report reveals.

This isn’t necessarily cause for alarm, however.

“While the number of products exposed or used daily has increased, the number of unique ingredients has decreased,” said Homer Swei, EWG senior vice president of healthy living science. “I do think it seems that the combination of clean beauty, stewardship retailer programs, U.S. state laws and consumer information has fundamentally changed the marketplace across the board. I can also see this trend toward healthy in the ingredients.”

Most of the ingredients, said Swei, scored green, the best rating in EWG’s “Skin Deep” database, which rates nearly 100,000 personal care products for their safety. However, some of the ingredients still raised concerns for the researchers.

They found that, based on the 2,200 people surveyed for the study, U.S. consumers are exposed daily to an average of two ingredients linked to cancer and two that are linked to chemicals that can harm the reproductive and development systems.

These exposures mainly come from body care, skin care and cosmetics. They include chemicals like parabens, talc, cyclopentasiloxane, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone and triethanolamine. They also found that the average adult is exposed to 15 fragrance chemicals a day, with seven being chemicals that can cause
allergic reactions.

“The term fragrance is what we consider to be an umbrella term, which means it can hide up to 4,000 different chemicals. And that can also mean there are phthalates that might be considered to be a fragrance ingredient. And those are hormone-disrupting ingredients,” said Sydney Swanson, healthy living science analyst at EWG. “Since the term fragrance isn’t necessarily needed to be disclosed, consumers can be exposed to any sort of ingredient that might fall into the term fragrance.”